Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Peter Maynard - 'stone house journals'

Peter Maynard - 'stone house journals'

(self released / field trip 1)

3inch cdr

The thing I like about Peter's field recordings is in thier raw state. On this release he mostly leaves out anything other than straight recordings of the environments around a group of stone houses in the Drome region of France. Towards the end of the single 22 min track there is a musical element, but according to the sleeve notes this too was something that was listened 'on location'. The flow of the track up to this point has a kind of natural sense of place & then takes a slight shift to one that seems less organic somehow.

For it's 22+ minutes this release contains an enjoyable, compressed audio journal of Peter's time on this trip to France & is worth tracking down. The recordings aren't polished up to the point of blandness & I find this adds to the spontaneous mood of the work.

If you want to get hold of this disc try Sound 323 or send me a message at tempjez@hotmail.com & i'll forward it to Peter.

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